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Information for Patients
What is a Mental Health Hospital
Mental health hospitals provide more comprehensive, round the clock care to patients with mental health struggles. Support is provided to manage and stabilise mental health conditions as well as to commence a course of treatment in a therapeutic environment which allows for more intensive monitoring.
Who are we for
Gordon Private Hospital admits patients over 16 years of age. We may request you to have a review with our consultant psychiatrist prior to admission to ensure that we can accommodate your needs.
We provide treatment for conditions that include:
Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar Disorder)
Anxiety Disorders (Generalised Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Trauma & PTSD
Emotional Disorders
Self-harming Behaviours
Substance Abuse
Sleep Psychiatry
Youth Mental Health (16 years & above)
Perinatal Disorders and Women’s Mental Health
Veterans’ Mental Health
Medication Review: Stabilisation or Adjustment
How to get a referral
A referral can be obtained from your general practitioner, treating psychiatrist or other specialist.
Call us at any time to learn more about the referral process
How Much Does Your Mental Health Hospital Cost?
Gordon Private Hospital accepts patients with membership to most private health insurance funds, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Australian Defence Force and those who are self-funded.
Please call our admission team who will assist with any queries relating to your admission, the level of cover provided by your health insurance policy or any out-of-pocket expenses you may incur as result of your stay with us.
Patients with limited mental health cover may be able to upgrade their cover to access in-hospital mental health services without serving a waiting period.
What to bring on the day
Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your medical history, medications, and other matters relating to your health.
Identification: Drivers licence or accepted identification, your letter of referral if not already sent, Medicare Card, private health insurance membership card, any government benefit/concession cards, Safety Net or pharmacy entitlement card.
Technology: Mobile phone, laptop, iPod, earbuds, etc.
Clothing / linen: Comfortable day clothing for the season, sleepwear, dressing gown and slippers.
Money: A small amount of cash and credit cards.
Toiletries: Personal toiletries (e.g. soap, toothbrush, toothpaste).
Medications: Current medications (in original packaging) and any repeat scripts and prescriptions.
What not to bring
Large sums of money
Jewellery and other valuables.
Dangerous items. If unsure please speak with your admitting nurse.
Discharge planning
Discharge planning is an important part of the hospital admission. Once you leave hospital, it is important that you continue to get the right healthcare from the right people. Discharge planning aims to make sure this happens and enables a smooth transition from hospital to home. Following discharge, Gordon Private Hospital provides a suite of day programs to facilitate this transition further.
It is a condition that patients do not operate any motorised vehicle during their admission as medications and mood state may adversely affect your ability at this time. Onsite parking is not available for patients. Please arrange for a family member, friend or taxi to drop you off on admission to hospital.
Patient rights
For the safety and security of its patients, Gordon Private Hospital abides by a Patient Charter of Rights and Responsibilities. This has been put in place for your peace of mind and also to assist the medical staff and other patients in the hospital. It is important that you familiarise yourself with these prior to admission.
As a patient of Gordon Private Hospital, you have the right to:
Be treated with respect, professional competence, consideration and dignity
Participate in decisions that affect your care
Have your beliefs, ethnic, cultural and religious practices respected
Be told the names and roles of the caregivers involved in caring directly for you
Have your personal and medical details kept with full confidentiality
Voice a concern if you are not satisfied with any aspect of your care
Request a second medical opinion – you may wish first to discuss this with your consultant
Refuse a recommended treatment, test or procedure
Advice about care when you leave the hospital
Access your health record, in accordance with the hospital policy
Be aware of the potential costs involved in your hospitalisation
Refuse participation in student teaching activities
Make a comment or complaint about treatment or quality of the health services or care without fear that you will be discriminated against
Your Responsibilities
For the safety and security of its patients, Gordon Private Hospital abides by a Patient Charter of Rights and Responsibilities. This has been put in place for your peace of mind and also to assist the medical staff and other patients in the hospital. It is important that you familiarise yourself with these prior to admission.
You have the responsibility to
Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your medical history, medications, and other matters relating to your health
Be knowledgeable about your private health fund cover and associated restrictions, provide information regarding your ability to pay for services, and ensure that the financial obligations of your care are fulfilled as promptly as possible
let caregivers know about any special requirements, particularly any cultural or religious needs
Observe relevant hospital protocols
Respect the role and dignity of hospital caregivers and their right to a safe and pleasant work environment. Caregivers reserve the right to withdraw care from people who behave aggressively, are violent or abusive
Comply with medical instructions designed to aid your recovery, or discuss with your doctor if you are unhappy or unwilling to do so
Respect the beliefs, ethnic, cultural and religious practices of all hospital caregivers and fellow patients
Advise your doctor or caregivers about any changes in your condition or of any concerns you may have with any aspect of your care or treatment
Be respectful of the property of other persons and of the health care facility
Behave in a lawful manner and contribute to a safe and comfortable environment
To actively engage in the therapy program to assist your recovery